What to Expect When You Need Your Auto Glass Replaced

by | Dec 2, 2015 | Auto Glass Shop

Whether you were in an accident with another vehicle or you simply heard that unmistakable cracking sound after a random piece of debris hit your windshield, having to take time and spend money to fix your car’s windows can be stressful. Knowing what to expect from your Denver auto glass replacement can alleviate some of the stress, though.

The Preparation Process

In a lot of cases, the technician will be able to replace your auto glass right where you are. Whether they come to you or you go to the shop, the first thing to happen will be the preparation. The technician will begin by setting up the necessary tools and placing protective tape and towels around the adjacent parts of the car to keep it from being damaged. The rest of the preparation process includes removing any wipers or mirrors that are in the way.

Removing the Broken Glass

After your technicians has prepared to take care of your Denver auto glass replacement, he or she will remove your broken window. This process involves unfastening the chrome or rubber molding that seals the window to your car, if necessary, and then using a special knife to cut through the broken window’s urethane adhesive. The technician will then begin pushing out the broken glass. This usually causes it to crack even more, but it’s completely normal, and since the technician recycles the glass, you won’t need to worry about cleaning up a mess.

Installing the New Window

Once the old glass has been removed, your replacement technician will get rid of as much of the old urethane as possible so the new urethane can bond the way it should. After priming the frame and window, he or she will lower it into place and mark where it must fit. After marking the specifics, your technician will apply adhesive and put the new window in. Finally, he or she will reinstall any molding, mirrors or wipers.

Once the Denver auto glass replacement process is complete, your technician will let you know how long the window will take to settle into place and tell you a specific time when you can begin driving your car again. The process usually doesn’t take long, so you’ll probably be back on the road again in no time.

You should never attempt to install your own window if you are not a Denver auto glass replacement professional. Always contact a qualified repair shop if you need Denver auto glass replacement.

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