What to Expect from a Holistic Animal Hospital

by | Oct 13, 2016 | Animal

For many people, their pet isn’t simply an animal they feed and take care of. Rather, this lovable being is part of their family; a special, furry friend who has real emotions, experiences real pain, and lives a real life. In your efforts to keep your pet healthy and active by giving them access to the best care, here is what you can expect from a holistic animal hospital.


Have you ever been to a veterinarian only to walk away feeling even more confused than when you came? Do you ever ask yourself what just happened in the twenty minutes you were at the hospital? When you work with a Holistic Veterinary Healing, you can fully expect to have appointments that are at least 30 minutes long. This time is used to talk with you, the owner, to understand your pet and the problems he or she is experiencing.


An animal hospital who takes a more holistic approach, does what is required to properly research each creature’s condition. They recognized immediately that your pet’s health is important and that a canned treatment isn’t going to work effectively for every animal. The research that is undertaken allows the provider to put together a customized treatment plan that reflects your pet’s needs, limitations, and tolerance.


Medication, sedation, and vaccines are not the answer to every sickness or disease. A holistic approach involves finding a balance between an animal’s physical, emotional, and spiritual conditions. Using techniques that are more nutritionally focused and less vaccine and medicine focused, allows your provider to concentrate on getting your pet better and achieving a long term result versus finding a quick, temporary Band-Aid.

If you want your pet to be treated with the kind of respect, fairness, and love that your human family are treated like, it is time to begin working with a holistic animal hospital. Here, you can expect adequate time and research to be taken to find a balance for your pet which will result in optimal health. You can also connect with them on Facebook for more updates!

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