Seeing an Affordable Dentist Around Me

by | Feb 1, 2018 | Dental Health

Seeing an Affordable Dentist Around Me can be great when it comes to saving money. But what happens when oral surgery is performed? Will they dentist and their staff be able to provide quality care and answer any questions the patient may have? Here are some questions that dentists commonly hear.

Is there a chance that sutures will come loose if the patient vomits?

No, the sutures placed are strong enough and there is no danger that they will break and the wound will open. However, vomiting may cause bleeding because it causes a temporary increase in blood pressure in the head and face. An Affordable Dentist Around Me should explain this before the procedure is performed.

A person underwent a procedure a couple of days ago. They experienced some swelling on the first day but it is much more evident today. Is this normal?

Everything is normal. After surgery, any present swelling gradually increases to reach its maximum after about 48 hours. It is normal to be more swollen on the second day than the first. By the third day, the swelling should begin to subside and decrease from day to day thereafter.

Is it normal to have one side that is much swollen than the other? Yes. Swelling is rarely symmetrical. Sometimes even one side is not at all swollen while the other is very much swollen. Swelling will peak 48 hours after surgery and will gradually resolve afterward.

A person was operated on 4 days ago. One side is fine but the other side does not seem to be getting better. Is this normal?

If the swelling does not resolve, it may be due to an infection. Other signs may also be present and indicate the presence of an infection such as swelling that is firm and painful to the touch, a bad taste in the mouth or a run of yellowish liquid in the wound.

If a person’s cheek is very swollen and they cannot clench their teeth together, is there anything wrong?

When swelling is more pronounced, a person may not be able to close their mouth fully. The swelling will resolve without further problems, usually. In the meantime, the person should avoid chewing and eating mashed or liquid foods. Visit Robert S. Ogden DDS PA for more details.

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