Seeing a General Dentist in Smyrna, TN for an Abscess

by | Jul 3, 2018 | Dental Health

A dental abscess is a bacterial infection. There are two types of dental abscesses: the first comes from the gingiva, and the second comes from necrosis of the tooth nerve. Either way, seeing a General Dentist in Smyrna TN is a must if you want the problem to go away.

Gingival abscess

A gingival abscess is an infection that occurs in the gum. Pus escapes around the gumline, and the cause may be a food particle lodged between the tooth and the gum (like a popcorn grain) or tartar buildup. Treating a gingival abscess is very simple to clean the gumline. A General Dentist in Smyrna TN is the best option to turn to.

Periapical abscess

A periapical abscess is a classic dental abscess. Generally, the infection is lodged in the bone and gives the impression that one has swallowed a golf ball. This problem occurs when the nerve of the tooth dies.

Most of the time, the pus cannot escape through the decay hole, which often causes swelling. Pus, instead, leaves through the end of the root called the apex (hence the name peri which means around and apical which is the name of the end of the root). The way to treat a periapical abscess is through a root canal treatment or an extraction. Antibiotics must be given to kill bacteria before treatment.

How to recognize a dental abscess?

There is usually pain and swelling. If one is attentive, it will be possible to see yellow or green pus flow from the gum. When it comes to a periapical abscess, the affected tooth will be painful when struck and will possibly throb.

If the tooth wakes a person up at night, it is very likely they have a dental abscess. Affected individuals can also feel some heat in this area. The abscess may be accompanied by fever and swollen lymph nodes.

Naturally, an appointment with a dentist will confirm the diagnosis with a dental X-ray. Ascent Dental can help you determine which route to take.

Without treatment, what are the consequences of a dental abscess?

A classic dental abscess cannot heal itself. It may be less painful after a few weeks because the pus will find a way to flow into the person’s mouth. As long as the abscess is not treated, the body will need to fight the infection. Over time, the tooth abscess can turn into a cyst. Like us on Facebook.

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