Features To Look For When Buying Car Wash Controllers

by | Nov 9, 2016 | Software

Starting your own business or deciding to significantly upgrade your existing equipment can be a huge task. Aside from cost, there are seemingly a million smaller elements that have to be taken into consideration when looking at any new piece of equipment or software. Thankfully, finding a new controller for your car wash, or upgrading your existing one, isn’t as complicated as it seems. Many reputable automotive solution providers sell a variety of controllers. To help narrow down your choice, here are a few features to look for when buying car wash controllers.

Web Access

Access to the internet, either through a wired connection or through wireless signal, is a fantastic feature for any controller to have. This gives you easy, immediate access to the controller from anywhere in the world, assuming you have an internet connection. This can help you identify errors, troubleshoot any problems, or even open and close for the day regardless of your physical location. Web access also makes it much easier to upgrade or repair the software itself, should anything go wrong with the program itself.

Easy To Service

Another key feature to look for in a controller is that it is relatively easy to service. Some companies give you the ability to service your own controller, helping to save you time and money in the event something goes wrong or stops working properly. Be sure that the controller is installed in a location with easy access, and with some lighting available. It’s also wise to look for a controller that doesn’t rely on a battery for memory backup. If a power outage occurs or a fuse blows, you don’t want to lose potentially valuable time and expenses having the controller repaired.

Technical Support

While this isn’t a feature of the controller itself, it is important to look into what technical support might be available should an issue occur. An acceptable level and the exact nature of the support provided will depend on your own situation and needs, but be sure to consider what those needs might be.

Click here for a car wash management software – ezWash by Business name.

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