4 Things To Know About Eclipse Eye Protection

by | May 9, 2016 | Eclipses

Since a total eclipse is a relatively rare event, with the last one in the United States occurred on February 26, 1979, people are a bit uncertain about the safety issues in observing the sun during the event. There is also more than a bit of confusion about what is needed for eclipse eye protection that will keep you safe.

The reality is that there are companies that make specialized eclipse eye protection that includes both glasses and viewers. These are very low cost, perfect to use on August 21st, 2017 and then to save as a special reminder of the big event. They are also a great option for schools, community groups and clubs to have on hand if they are planning a solar eclipse viewing party or event.

Important Points to Consider

To help understand the importance of having the right protection for your eyes, here are four important facts to keep in mind. The biggest risk of eye damage is for those right in the eclipse path, where the total eclipse phase will be complete and will be the longest in duration.

1. It is never safe to look at the sun during a solar eclipse. There is no such thing as just a quick glance, the power of the intense visible light and UV and infrared light can cause damage faster than you can blink or look away.

2. The use of eclipse eye protection can also be used at any time of the year, even if there isn’t an eclipse. This means that you can use the glasses or viewers at other times, but there will be limited ability actually to see anything because of the protective nature of the lenses.

3. The protective lenses of top quality eclipse glasses or viewers will block out 100% of ultra-violet rays as well as 100% of infrared light. It should also block out 99.999% of the intense visible light to provide the necessary level of protection.

4. The effects of looking at the sun during an eclipse, or anytime, may not be immediately evident or there may be a yellow circle or spot in the line of vision that gradually fades over time. Typically the yellow color will first fade to a red color and then a darker color before completely disappearing. This can take weeks, months or longer.

By simply picking up a pair of solar glasses or a viewer, damage to the eyes can be completely prevented. Everyone from kids to seniors can use these devices to enjoy this memorable event without any risk to the eyes.

American Paper Optics, LLC offers several different styles and options in eclipse eye protection. This includes both glasses and viewers in different designs and colors. To learn more see us at www.web.com.

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