Why You Should Consider Living in Off-Campus Housing in Madison

by | May 11, 2020 | Student Housing Center

You may have been told that it is best for you to live on campus. Living off-campus does have advantages, but you should consider moving off-campus. There are several reasons that you should consider moving into one of the apartments near UW Madison.


If you live on campus, then you will have access to a cafeteria. However, the cafeteria may be open during times that are not convenient for you. They may also serve food that you do not necessarily like. If you have a kitchen, then you will be able to prepare your own meals.


Resident assistants patrol dorm rooms. That is why you probably won’t have a lot of freedom if you live on campus. However, if you move off-campus, then you will have a lot more freedom. You will be able to have overnight guests and won’t have a curfew.

Adult Life Experiences

Many people struggle to get adjusted to adult life. However, if you move off campus before you graduate, then it will be easier for you to make this transmission. You will learn how to cook, pay bills and manage a household.


College can be quite stressful. That is why it is important for you to get alone time. If you share alone, then it can be difficult for you to get alone time. You won’t have to share a room if you live in off-campus housing.

If you are looking for apartments near UW Madison, then you will need to contact Lark at Randall for more information.

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