Breast augmentation is one of the most popular and oldest forms of cosmetic surgery available. Many women seek out this type of procedure to restore confidence, increase their self-esteem and feel better about their bodies. However, not everyone happens to be well-suited to this complex procedure. Here are a few guidelines to help you determine who is an ideal candidate for breast augmentation in Dallas, TX.
No Longer Want Children
Ideal candidates for this type of procedure are those who are finished having children, or who do not wish to have any. Each pregnancy will change the shape of the body in such a way that preexisting cosmetic surgery may not look the same. While these things can always be corrected, it’s a good idea to wait until you are finished having children before undergoing this type of procedure.
Realistic Expectations
Cosmetic surgeons are highly skilled individuals, but you still need to be sure that your expectations of the final results are realistic. Typically speaking, most surgeries of this type add or remove only one cup size, so dramatic change isn’t a likely after-effect. It’s also important to know what to expect while you are recovering, so be sure that you ask, and write down, any post-operative instructions.
Generally speaking, patients who undergo breast augmentation surgery for their own, personal reasons are much happier with the procedure overall than those who undergo it at the behest of a loved one or to further their career. It’s a very personal decision, and one that should not be made lightly, or with the intentions of others in the mind of the person making the decision.
Over Eighteen
It’s a good idea to wait until your body has stopped growing and changing before undergoing breast augmentation surgery. The body develops consistently throughout the teenage years, which is why most plastic surgeons won’t operate on women under the age of eighteen.
For more information about breast augmentation in Dallas, TX, contact Cosmetic Surgery Associates of Texas.