An air compressor can make the most difficult and tedious project a lot easier and with a lot less sweat. It can perform a variety of functions from remove bolts from tire rims and then refill the tire with air. It can also help out with fun projects such as turn a bicycle pump into a paintball machine. And if the weather didn’t bring snow, an air compressor can turn water into snowflakes. More heavy duty functions the air compressor perform is driving nails effortlessly with a nail gun. More information on air compressors uses can be found on
When shopping for a Used Air Compressors in PA, keep in mind that while is a lot less expensive, be sure it passes several tests first. A used compressor may be more likely to malfunction. A good way to begin the search is to go to Air Center Inc. The site offers a lot of well-conditioned compressors to choose from as well as helpful information.
Things to look for in a used compressor include:
* Does it have any cracks for dents?
* If it is a gas compressor has it been properly lubricated. Is the oil clean?
* If it is an electric compressor, is the cord in good shape and are the prongs straight?
* If it is a portable compressor, do the wheels still rotate properly and are the tires cracked?
* Is the warranty still in effect and is the owner’s manual still available?
Other things to consider is where in the country was the compressor was used? In some locations, rust can be a major factor. If it was purchased and used in a location with a lot of snow as well as humidity, checking for rust is important. Be sure to check for pinhole rust spots that leak air. Another way to check for rust is to ping the tank with a hammer and listen to see if you hear flaking inside.
Finally, when deciding between an electric or gas compressor, buyers should consider how much maintenance they are willing to put in? Another consideration is the noise level. Gas-powered compressors are louder, but can be used anywhere, while electric are quieter, but are limited to portability. Visit website for more information.