If you run a boatyard, you have special equipment needs like yard trailers and boat racks for your business. People expect you to keep their vessels safe from harm and you can provide a number of important services too. If you would like to have a more efficient and profitable business, you may find the following tips to be of help.
Increase Your Service Shop
What kind of vessel services do you have to offer your customers? If you only do engine repairs, consider adding hull work and other services. You may need to add employees, but you may attract a lot of new business with this strategy.
Boat Sales
Many of your customers may be ready to buy new vessels, and if you don’t have them for sale, they are going to buy them elsewhere. A marina business is a perfect place to sell new boats. Once you start selling new boats, you may have more used boats to sell, thanks to trade-ins. Also, you can make money by taking care of new boat warranty work.
Consider Upgrading Your Yard Trailers
You will save a lot of time if you have self-propelled trailers. You can take care of more boats at one time when people don’t have to wait for a towing vehicle to be free. You also may want to add more yard trailers to your fleet. This can increase capacity and decrease wait time for customers. No one likes to wait these days and the marina with the shortest wait time will have the most satisfied customers.
Check Your Competition
Make sure you know exactly what the competition is charging for their services, and charge a little less. This can help you earn more business. When people comparison shop, you’ll have the lowest rates. This can make the difference between a sale and “no sale.”