When considering a small number of potential cloud hosting providers, most businesses consider price, security, uptime, and services offered by the various providers.
However, there is one other critical factor to compare when selecting cloud hosting providers. This factor is the location or locations of the data centers for the cloud service provider.
As a general statement, any location can be a good option for a data center. The key considerations are a consistent power supply to operate the equipment and the facility and the ability to have networking connectivity to major providers. This issue is largely about location, but there are other reasons to choose specific cloud hosting providers with a focus on data center locations.
Proximity to End-Users
Having data centers located closer to the end-users is ideal for the customer. It increases the speed and performance for the customer while still maintaining the security and reliability that is the hallmark of cloud computing.
Even with cloud computing, there is a network for data to work through between the sender or the system and the receiver or the end-user. The closer the data center is to the customer, the fewer these steps in the pathway, and the increased speed and reduced latency of data transfer.
The most effective transmission of data occurs when major bandwidth providers and fiber connections are all located in on hub or area. These areas, often known as Internet Exchanges, are located in major cities around the world.
When data centers are located in these areas, bandwidth and infrastructure all in place, making it faster and more reliable for rapid data access. Business Name is one of the top international cloud hosting providers with data centers around the world. To find out more, see us at Business url