Purchasing a New Home? Don’t Forget New Siding Installation

by | Jul 18, 2014 | Roofing

Siding is one of the best and most cost effective ways to increase the curb appeal of your home. If your home has old siding or is new and has no siding at all yet, installing vinyl or wood siding can make a huge impact on the way you feel when you drive up to your home and the way your neighbours see your house. There are a few options in Siding Installation you should know about before you hire a contractor.

Because your home is important to you and your family, it is vital that you check a contractor’s references prior to signing a contract for new siding. When you contact references, be sure to find out more than the quality of the siding. Any contractor with experience can attach siding to a home. Ask about the workers’ professionalism. Find out if they covered bushes before they started working and if they cleaned up at the end of every day. If you have children in your home who may be there while the siding is being installed, ask the references if the workers used respectful language while they were at their home.

Use a contractor with experience installing several different types of siding. Such a contractor may be more likely to recommend the best option for your home. When the contractor’s focus is on vinyl siding, they may also do a good job with natural wood siding but it may cost you more because that contractor won’t be able to get the same discounts they get on vinyl siding on other types of materials. By viewing their portfolio, you can get an idea of the kind of projects a contractor spends most of their time doing.

Consider more than the quoted price when you hire a contractor for your siding installation. The company that offers you the lowest price may not give you the best service or a great warranty. Before you hire a contractor, talk to Arrow Roofing and Siding Inc. to find out how they can improve the appearance of your home with high-quality siding, and provide you with a warranty that guarantees your siding will live up to your expectations.

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