Key Replacement in Tulsa Should Not Create a Dilema

by | Jan 20, 2015 | Locksmith

Losing your car keys can be very frustrating and expensive. If you have lost your only car key, you will need to do one of two things. You can go to your dealer and have them make a key, or you can call a mobile automotive locksmith who can go to you to make a key.

Going to a dealer to have a key made can be very expensive. Most cars manufactured after 1995 will require a transponder key. These keys are required to be programmed into the car’s immobilizer units. If you try to start your car with a key that is not programmed, the engine’s electronic control unit will not start your car. The ECU has to have the code the chip in the key transmits registered in its computer. In lost key situations, you will have to tow your car to the dealer to be programmed for a new key.

Your other choice is to call a mobile locksmith for Key Replacement in Tulsa. This can be a better deal as locksmiths generally do not charge as much as the dealer. They will also drive to the car with portable programming equipment. This saves you the expense of having your car towed. Most competent locksmiths will have special equipment to cut and originate your key on site. They also have portable programming equipment that will plug into your OBD2 port to complete the key replacement process. Visit the site for more info.

When calling a locksmith, he will need some information from you. You will need to tell him the make, model and year of the car. The technician will also need your complete VIN, or vehicle identification number. This has to be correct or the locksmith will not be able to cut and program the key correctly. Mis-cut keys can be costly. Some of the newer keys with remote head fobs can cost up to $300. These are all in one keys that combine the transponder key with the automotive remote.

When calling for a Key Replacement in Tulsa Oklahoma, Have your title and drivers license available. Most locksmiths will need to see these documents make sure they are not helping someone steal a car. In some states, locksmiths need to be bonded and licensed, so always check the credentials of any locksmiths who arrive at your car. Go to for more information.

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