Hammer Milling: Know the process!

by | Apr 21, 2022 | Web Design

Hammer milling is a high-energy process that focuses on reducing masses into smaller particles with high blows. The device consists of rapidly moving hammers that crush the solid materials into granules by repeatedly striking, typically using gravity.

In hammer milling technology, you can find two kinds of hammers- hard and soft. The former is blunt with a flat surface that smashes the mass, producing wider size distributions. On the other hand, soft hammers have knife-like edges to cut the materials.

How to determine the material?

To understand if the material is appropriate for hammer milling technology, some basic tests are done. First, the hammer hits the material to see the outcome. If it breaks into pieces, it is considered a good material. For the initial result, a desktop mill can be used.
Second, check if the hammer can produce fine particles by smashing because this will help you to determine whether you can grind the solid or not. Run a small test to get a rough idea of the result.

What more?

Parameters like, rotor speed, screen size and blades can be optimised for each application. Particles size that you can get ranges between 150 um to 600 um, but with hammer mills, you can achieve 25% of particles less than 150 um. To get smaller particles, all you need to do is change the screen size.

The working principle of hammer mill is not complicated. The materials are introduced in the feeding hopper, from where these are passed on to other stages. The crushing chamber has hammers and knives, which smash and break the particles into pieces. The final procedure occurs at the output milling chamber that consists of a metal screen to sieve the processed particles.

If you are looking forward to including hammer milling technology in your factory, purchase a hammer mill and double your productivity.

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