Whenever you buy used cars, you have to protect yourself against unscrupulous dealers who may be selling vehicles that have been in accidents or that don’t run properly. You can typically purchase a car that is certified or look at a CarFax report to avoid these issues. However, dealerships may not always provide this documentation before you purchase a vehicle. You should make sure that you test drive a vehicle before to purchasing so that you can ensure that it runs correctly. If possible, you can take the vehicle to a mechanic. When you have trouble with a used vehicle, you can learn the lemon law in NJ to help you get a refund.
Hiring a Lemon Law Attorney
Most lemon law attorneys in New Jersey are familiar with the dealerships that get in trouble for the same issues ever time. Typically, these dealerships sell vehicles that are missing parts or have severe damage. It’s important that you hire a lemon law attorney who knows the correct paperwork and documentation to file for you to get a new vehicle replacement or refund.
How Lemon Laws Work
With a lemon law, you have the right to get a refund or replacement for any vehicle that continuously needs service and doesn’t run properly within a certain timeframe after purchasing. Most lemon laws protect you up to 90 days after the purchase date.
Document Everything
You will need to show a history of service and problems before filing a lemon law claim. Documentation means including every note from the mechanic after each service appointment. You may also have to show proof that the car was damaged and not fixed each time. Any communication that you have with the dealership should be in writing.
If you are looking for help with a lemon law in NJ, you should talk to the experts at Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center®. You can review their services online at YourLemonLawRights.com.