Enjoy Life Again With Superior Dentures in Kaneohe

by | Apr 19, 2016 | Dental Health

Beautiful teeth and a great smile can be a lot of work, but not everyone can enjoy them. Sometimes, life gets in the way and damage to the teeth occurs. For example, sudden impacts or other blunt force trauma can fracture, chip or otherwise damage the teeth or worse, the jaw bone that supports them. Once the teeth are gone, it is time for the patient to consider a dental appliance such as Dentures in Kaneohe.

As most people know, the denture is a replacement set of teeth and can be used as a single upper or lower plate or a set of plates. Most dentures use a specific polymer to simulate the gum and anchor the false teeth into place. Advances in polymers have improved both the strength of the product and the way they may be secured like the use of implants to anchor them. However, the denture is still softer than real teeth so the patient must learn to use them properly.

Contrary to popular belief, it isn’t necessary to replace all the existing teeth. A person may use only a single plate if the teeth in the other jaw are healthy, but most folks opt for complete removal simply to reduce the amount of pain they deal with. This isn’t always the best choice because the gum tissue will swell from the extractions and should be allowed to heal before fitting the new denture. Failing to do so could leave the user with poorly fitting dentures and an odd lisp when they speak every time the dentures slip.

Very few people actually enjoy wearing dentures in Kaneohe and this is mostly due to the way these prosthetic devices must be secured. The typical method is the use of dental adhesives, which don’t always live up to expectations. A regular denture wearer may opt to leave the denture in place and let the jaw muscles adapt to holding them. This actually works quite well, provided the denture is the right size, but it takes a bit of time for the muscles to grow. A loosely fitting denture may not work as well in this situation because the muscles that hold the dental appliance in place are rather small and don’t provide enough strength.

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