Embroidered Shirts: Classic And Memorable

by | Jul 29, 2016 | Furniture

When it comes to ordering shirts for your workplace or office sport’s team, you have a choice between two methods of decorative work. Screen-printing is one. The other option is embroidery. While embroidered shirts may seem more costly than the alternatives, they add a simple elegance even to the common tee shirt in Orange County.

The Art of Embroidery

It is one of the oldest methods of decorating fabric. Embroidery combines both craft and art. Throughout history, embroidery has produced masterpieces of art as well as practical work clothes. The famous Bayeux Tapestry, for example, is a 230-foot long example of embroidery at its finest. On the other side of the coin are modern tee shirts featuring logos, names and emblems. These latter rely on modern technology to reproduce the right designs. The transfer of the design from thought to shirt may utilize one of the following methods:

1. Direct Embroidery: Embroidered shirts produced using this method relies on an individual to direct sew or embroider the design concept, logo or name directly onto the selected material. As a result, the design is incorporated into the fabric and cannot be removed without destroying the shirt.

2. Indirect Embroidery: The actual embroidery is part of a patch not the shirt or other item. The company responsible for creating the final product attaches the path to the shirt. This method allows for removal of the design.

The final choice will depend upon what is available preference as well as what the budget will allow.

Why Choose Embroidery?

Embroidery is commonly selected over other methods for any of several reasons. In Orange County companies find that embroidery, when done properly, presents a look that:

* Is classy – It simply looks better than a flatter design

* Stands Out – Embroidery can produce a 3D look that makes a logo or name or company design both clear and noticeable

* Is highly visible – The coated thread adds an extra punch to the colors of a design. Overall, it makes it highly visible

* Appears precise – There is an exactitude of embroidery

* Looks professional – Embroidery looks professional and deliberately so

* Is very durable – Fine embroidery lasts without fading for the lifetime of a shirt

These are the major reasons to choose embroidery.

Embroidered Shirts: More Expensive but Worth it

When it comes to showing off a design or displaying an Orange County company’s logo, options exist to do so. Using a shirt is a favorite method of accomplishing this. While cost is often a major factor in selecting a method of placing a logo or other design on a shirt, other factors also need consideraiton. While embroidered shirts are more expensive than the alternatives, the very nature of this method, combined with durability and the commanding nature of the results should ensure it receives serious consideration.

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