Could You Be Dealing With Bed Bugs in Jackson NJ?

by | Sep 26, 2016 | Pest Control

Bed bugs have been the subject of much speculation over the last ten years as they have slowly made their way into hotels and homes all across the country. Unfortunately, a person can be dealing with an infestation of bed bugs and not even be aware. Though these bugs are not dangerous, they do bite their victims and can cause allergic reactions. Because bed bugs can be so difficult to get rid of, it is important people are aware of the signs they have a problem so they can seek the professionals for relief. With this information, people will know the signs to look for regarding Bed Bugs Jackson NJ.

Bed bugs typically only come out to feed at night and they are tiny in size so it can be difficult for a person to know if they have a problem. If one has a heavy infestation, they may find these bugs in the lining of their mattress, in the seams of furniture, in the folds of curtains, and even in the pleats of lampshades. Even if only one or two bugs are seen, a pest control specialist needs to be called.

A person needs to carefully inspect all of their furniture and particularly their bedding for signs of bed bugs. Bugs will often leave behind rust-colored stains on a mattress or cushions. This is their excrement from feeding on blood and should not be ignored. One may see rusty or even black spots that when wiped with a wet cloth become red. One may also notice stains as bed bugs are crushed by the weight of the mattress.

People also need to be aware of eggs and eggshells. These are pale yellow in color and very tiny. One may also notice the very pale yellow skins that are discarded as a bed bug grows older. These are typically around the size of one millimeter.

If a person notices any of these signs, they need to seek a pest control company so they can be rid of Bed Bugs Jackson NJ. If you would like further information on the available services for bed bug removal, Browse Site at

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