Common Packing Mistakes and How a Moving Company in Federal Way WA Can Help Prevent Them

by | Oct 7, 2016 | Moving and Relocating

There is no question that the absolute worst part of moving is packing. Having to stuff the home into hundreds of cardboard boxes, knowing they have to be unpacked soon, is one of the most dreaded activities ever. However, it can be even worse if certain mistakes are made. In most cases, hiring a moving company in Federal Way, WA will help. Getting to know the common mistakes can also be beneficial.

Forgetting About the Initial Week

While it is a good idea to keep all the essential items handy, this doesn’t mean that someone moving only needs to keep an overnight bag with a change of clothes and toothbrush nearby. The fact is, it can take several days or more to fully unpack everything after a move. This is why they need to consider everything that may be needed during those first days in a new place. Don’t forget to keep first-aid supplies, towels, toilet paper, a few pots and dinnerware handy until the place is fully unpacked.

Not Taking a Proactive Stance

When a person is a proactive packer, it will make the entire unpacking process much smoother. This means to consider the new space where everything is being taken. Where is each item going to be put? Knowing this ahead of time can help ensure every box gets right where it needs to go, rather than dumping them all into a room and then having to sort through them later on. The fact is, one of the biggest hassles of moving is trying to get reorganized once the move has been made.

Overloading the Boxes

There is a good reason that book boxes are available. Books are extremely heavy. If a homeowner were to put too many in a large crate, it can make for a rough day of moving. Make sure to make the boxes reasonably packed. This is beneficial for the person moving as well as the moving company in Federal Way, WA.

Moving doesn’t have to be a daunting task. When a homeowner knows what the common mistakes are and how to avoid them, moving can be much easier.

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