There are many factors that go into finding the right Apartment Rental in Newnan GA. Location, the general condition of the neighborhood, parking, and a number of other elements are likely to come into play. One feature that should never be taken lightly is the amount of closet space found in the unit. Here are some specific questions to ask before deciding the apartment is really the right fit.
How Large are the Bedroom Closets?
It’s not enough to know there is a closet in each of the bedrooms. What the prospective tenant really wants to know is how much space is found inside each of those closets. Is there enough room to hang garments without having to bunch them together? An answer in the affirmative means it won’t be necessary to iron something before it can be worn.
Don’t forget to consider the shelving over the clothing rod. Is there a single shelf or a second shelf that makes it easier to organize storage boxes containing hats, gloves, and other accessories? if so, it makes sense to check out the other features associated with that Apartment Rental in Newnan GA.
Space for the Linens
Not every apartment will have a linen closet, but it never hurts to ask if one is part of the design. The right type of closet provides a place to store table linens as well as bed linens. Ideally, the closet has shelving that can be arranged, so it’s easier to keep like items on the same shelves.
A Closet Near the Front Door
Having what used to be called a coat closet near the front door is truly a valuable feature. Along with providing space for rain coats and heavier coats for the winter months, space is the ideal spot to store umbrellas after they are dried. This type of closet can also be a handy place to store board games and similar items that would otherwise take up space in a different area of the apartment.
If the plan is to find a new place to live, contact the team at Garrison Storage today. Arrange to take a look at the units currently available. There’s a good chance that one of them will have all the features needed and came with a price that fits neatly into the budget.