Benefits Of Exterior Doors

by | Mar 28, 2015 | Home Improvement

The benefits of exterior doors extend much further than just providing a way to get in and out of your home. Although front doors are the initial part of your home that most people see, they are more than a decorative piece.

The benefit of a door should extend beyond just beauty and functionality but also include energy efficiency, security, and light while saying a bit about your personality. By understanding all the important factors to consider in selecting a door for a new home or for a renovation, you will make just the right choice.

Energy Efficiency

According to the Environmental Protection Agencies report on energy savings, a small gap of just 1/8th of an inch under a standard door that is 36 inches wide is the same as having a hole cut in your exterior wall that is 2.4 inches wide. If you have two doors like this, it is equal to a five inch hole in your wall, bringing cold air into the home.

New doors, including those that are custom designed, are carefully crafted to avoid this gap and prevent heat loss in the winter or the loss of cold air in the summer. Additionally, they help reduce winter and summer energy bills. Efficient glass is also used to maintain the correct temperature and reduce air leakage.


Wood doors are very secure, especially when provided with three point locks. When all locks are engaged, they provide additional security and require only a single handle that can be selected to match the style of your door.


Natural light, streaming in by the window in your door with sidelights and transoms, is important as an energy saving feature. Not only does this make the space look open and bright, but some designs also allow you to open the side lites either as an additional door opening, or as a window, to bring in a nice cooling breeze.

Finally, your exterior door can be an expression of your personal style rather than just the standard pre-fab doors available at your building supply store. This allows you to set your house apart from the neighbours or just add that personal touch to your home.

To learn more about the benefits of our exterior doors visit Nick’s Building Supply, Inc. You can also find us on Facebook.

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