Avoid Common Mistakes with the Help of an Auto Accident Lawyer in Queens County, NY

by | Mar 16, 2018 | Law

Auto accident claims involve a tremendous amount of organization and documentation. Drivers must deal with defense lawyers, insurance companies, law enforcement officers, and medical staff. There’s a lot going on, and there are plenty of opportunities for mistakes. Below are several mistakes to avoid when working with an auto accident lawyer in Queens County, NY.


Being careless with the facts can ruin an auto accident claim. If a victim lies about the details of the case, they’ll lose credibility and the entire claim may fail. Don’t lie to attorneys, police, medical staff, or anyone else, and always take the time to review the event’s details before discussing the case. With documentation like police reports, pictures and medical records, it’s easy to remember incidents.

Using Social Media Indiscriminately

During an auto accident investigation, defense attorneys and insurance company representatives will look at a victim’s social media accounts in efforts to find a way to avoid responsibility for their client’s actions. Be wary of posting updates or pictures that show engagement in activities one shouldn’t do after an injury, and don’t post anything that could be considered as threatening to the other party.

Missing Doctors’ Appointments

As discussed previously, insurance company reps are always looking for ways to minimize payouts by proving that victim’s injuries aren’t as serious as claimed. If the other party’s insurer or attorney finds out that the victim is skipping doctor appointments, they’ll use that evidence to reduce a potential settlement. If a victim has difficulty attending appointments and finding transportation, an auto accident lawyer in Queens County, NY may be able to help.

Not Taking Photos

Anytime a victim has a visible injury, they should take as many photos as possible. It’s also a good idea to record a post-accident video showing the hardships and difficulties the victim encounters. Furthermore, photos can reflect the full extent of a victim’s injuries and property damage.

Insurance adjusters have one goal: to weaken a victim’s case and reduce the associated payout. By avoiding these mistakes and contacting a lawyer right away, the accident victim will increase the chance of a favorable outcome. Call the Law Offices of Joseph J. Perrini, III or visit Website Domain to schedule a consultation.

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