A Workplace Accident Attorney in Queens County, NY Will Protect Your Rights

by | Mar 17, 2017 | Law Services

There are specific steps an injured worker should take if they’re ill because of their working conditions or were injured. A workplace accident attorney in Queens County, NY can help a worker receives their full workers’ compensation benefits. It is important to seek medical treatment as quickly as possible after an accident has occurred. An injured worker should see a physician that’s authorized by the Workers’ Compensation Board unless it’s an emergency. A supervisor must also be notified in writing within 30 days of the accident. If it’s a case of an occupational disease or injury, they must make a claim within two years of the disablement or the day they knew it was work-related. After the initial medical treatment is obtained, an injured worker should contact an attorney.

There are certain forms that must be completed when filing a workers’ compensation claim. A Form C-3 should be completed as thoroughly as possible. While the paperwork is being processed, it’s important to follow through with all of the medical treatment a doctor has prescribed. During a workers’ compensation claim, a worker may be ordered back to work by their employer. This is a very important reason to speak with an attorney. Hearings are another common occurrence during a claim, and a workplace accident attorney in Queens County, NY can attend these hearings to protect an injured worker’s rights. An employer often makes every attempt to block or deny a workers’ compensation claim because they don’t want their insurance rates to be increased. An injured worker that’s hired an attorney will be legally guided to make the right decisions about their case.

Filing the necessary paperwork can be a nightmare to complete. If the paperwork isn’t completed perfectly, your claim can be denied an insurance company has the ability to contest a claim or deny a claim. With the help of the reputable law office of Steven R. Smith, your worry and concern will be decreased. They will fight for your rights through every step of the process and make sure you’re properly represented in court at hearing in front of a judge. Visit the website to find out more about how they can help.

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