While most drivers know if they have a collision, comprehensive or liability coverage, few devote much thought to their Car Insurance Boston until there’s an accident. Buying auto insurance is an often-overlooked part of financial planning, and many people buy the least expensive auto policy they can find. Here, readers can learn about different types of coverage, and they can learn how to get the most value for their money.
Basic Coverage Types
Protecting one’s health and assets are the main goals of auto insurance, and getting the right coverage is the first step in protecting oneself. Below are coverage types used by most drivers.
* Liability: This pays for personal injury and death claims by third parties, as well as property damage to others. Most jurisdictions require it.
* Collision: This type of coverage pays to repair the policyholder’s car following an accident, and most lenders require it.
* Comprehensive coverage pays for damages due to fire, theft, vandalism and floods. Those who’ve paid off their car loans may not need comprehensive or collision coverage, especially if the vehicle’s book value is under $5000.
Supplemental Coverage
In addition to the basic coverage types listed above, there is optional coverage to consider. Full or limited tort Car Insurance in Bostoncan help customers save on insurance by waiving their right to sue after an accident. PIP (personal injury protection) pays medical bills for policyholders and passengers, and those with good health coverage may not need it.
Factors Affecting Insurance Rates
Along with the coverage options selected, other factors affect the rate one pays for auto insurance. The deductible is the money paid out of pocket if the policyholder gets into an accident and needs repairs. $500 is a good minimum deductible, and damage coming in under that limit can usually be paid without filing a claim. Younger drivers pay more, as do those who have multiple infractions on their driving record.
Shopping carefully for auto insurance with Sawyer Insurance Agency Inc. or on can help policyholders protect their finances and their health, and customers should carefully review policy documents before signing. With proper planning, the claims process does not have to be difficult and inconvenient.