Your bills may have become overwhelming due to job loss, injury, death or many other reasons. If you find yourself feeling frustrated and unable to cope juggling bills that seem like they’ll never go away. You relieve could be Debt Solutions. If you’re making the minimum payment on your high credit card balances or not paying your debt at all, further loss may be incurred including your home.
Although bankruptcy may not be something you want to do, it is a legal option that is available to you. Bankruptcy can get you back on the road to financial recovery you couldn’t obtain any other way. An experienced bankruptcy attorney could save your home from foreclosure or repossession of your car. If you wait too far into a foreclosure process, it becomes much more difficult. Hiring an experienced bankruptcy attorney when you first realize you are having problems with your debt. They can also stop the harassing telephone calls that you receive from creditors.
There are Debt Solutions that can sometimes be obtained such as:
- Lowering your monthly payment
- Lower your interest rates
- Waive your late fees
- Less your collection calls
- Avoid filing bankruptcy
- One Monthly Payment
If this doesn’t work, your best solution would be to file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. An attorney that is experienced in bankruptcy can help you determine which one to file. One of the biggest differences between the two is how you pay back your debt. Chapter 13 would involve a repayment plan that is ordered through the court. These payments pay your creditors. If you file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, certain debts can be removed and no court ordered payment plan is involved. There are guidelines that only a bankruptcy attorney knows to determine which way you should file to get relief.
You don’t need to swim in debt and collection calls the rest of your life. The bankruptcy law was designed to help people just like you. It can restructure your debt so you will have money to buy food or pay utilities that are now being used to pay bills. Speak with a caring and experienced bankruptcy attorney like Sean C. Paul Attorney at Law. Your relief can be just upon the horizon.