Many people worry about the way they look. It could be your skin, wrinkles, or age spots. For others, it is simple things that may seem like a big deal to you. For example, if you have cheeks that are rather smooth, you may want to add a bit more dimension to them. Some people approach a plastic surgeon about a dimpleplasty. This is a specific type of cosmetic procedure that allows you to have dimples.
Have You Always Wanted Them?
Some people are born with dimples. Others who do not have them, often long to have these soft, subtle areas of the skin where it seems to fold inward just a bit. Dimples are not uncommon, but for those who do not have them and want them, having a procedure done to get them is an option. The procedure is called a dimpleplasty. It is one to take seriously since it is a form of plastic surgery. There are a few things to know about it.
Is It Right for You?
Before you can have this procedure, your doctor will provide an exam and discuss what your long term goals are. You should explain what your needs are and what your expectations are for the procedure. Your doctor will talk to you about the procedure itself including how it is not one of the most invasive options. Additionally, your doctor will offer details about what to expect.
When it comes to dimpleplasty, it is important to know the risks and the potential reward. For many people, this is the type of procedure that can really transform the way they look and give them the youthful and playful look they desire. It may be just what you need to see a significant improvement in the way your skin looks as well. Ask your plastic surgeon about it.