How to Prepare for a Child’s First Eye Exam in Wichita, Kansas

by | Dec 3, 2018 | Eye Care Center

Parents should not wait until they have concerns about their child’s eyesight before they schedule an eye exam. All children should have a complete eye exam at the age of three and every two years after if they do not need corrective lenses. Children with corrective lenses should visit their optometrist once a year. The first exam can seem frightening to small children that do not know what to expect. Here is how to prepare for their appointment.

Explain the Test

Children need to know that an Eye Exam in Wichita KS is a painless and straightforward process. Relieve their worries by assuring them they will not have to endure vaccinations or uncomfortable poking or prodding. If they have attended an eye appointment in the past for a parent or caregiver, remind them of this visit.

Choose the Time

Young children may not cooperate if the appointment is at the end of a busy day. Try to schedule the appointment for a weekend day or mid-morning when they still have plenty of energy and are more likely to cooperate. Bring along a favorite book or stuffed toy to help them pass the time in the waiting room and to feel secure.

Remember Their History

The parent will answer a lot of questions about the health history of their child at the first appointment. Remember to mention any problems the child may have experienced since birth. This includes any injuries to the eye, conditions like conjunctivitis or their complaints about itchy eyes or experience with allergies. Mention any medication they are taking as well as a family history of diabetes, eye diseases, and hypertension or other serious medical concern.

Reassure the Child

The professionals that perform the pediatric Eye Exam in Wichita KS do not need the child to know all their letters. The developers of the tests designed them to seem more like games rather than a medical screening to help relax even shy or nervous children. Reassure them that they cannot get an answer wrong.

Most children are very comfortable during eye screenings after the first appointment. Early intervention for a vision problem can help to correct issues that may have otherwise gone undiagnosed. Uncorrected poor vision can lead to learning problems for young children and health concerns like headaches. Click here to learn more and to schedule an appointment today.

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