Don’t Make These Retail Supply Chain Management Mistakes

by | Aug 24, 2017 | Supply Chain Management

Often a retail supply chain, particularly for an established retail company, is not a strategically planned part of the business. It may have simply evolved over time as the business grew and vendors were added.

The reality is that businesses that don’t routinely check their supply chain and evaluate its effectiveness, cost efficiency, and its benefits or possible challenges are missing out on possible problem areas. This is true for retail supply chain management with established companies as well as for startups just setting up the supply chain.

The following are three common retail supply chain management that companies often make. By understanding how these cost the business money it is evident that software programs that can provide analysis and data are actually a way to save money over the short and long term.

Failing to Use Data

Data should be driving all aspects of the retail supply chain management decision making process. Unfortunately, emotions, past business relationships, and other factors are often used to make these critical choices.

Data can be collected that reflects efficiency, cost, services, damage or any number of issues that will be helpful to improve the supply chain but eliminating inefficiencies.

Not Evaluating and Comparing Costs

While there may be long standing partnerships between vendors and the company in a supply chain, these may not be the lowest cost options for the business. For example, freight costs, particularly with LTL or Lighter than Truckload shipping can vary greatly, with lower cost options readily available to decrease the overall shipping costs.

Not Checking Options

Checking the option for various vendors and suppliers, or even looking into collaborative supply chain management options with other businesses can be instrumental in reducing the overall costs.

Without software programs that can quickly analyze and report data in meaningful ways, your company may be leaving money on the table with every step in the existing supply chain.

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