3 Things Not to Do When You Visit a Cemetery

by | Feb 16, 2024 | Cremation Service

When you visit a cemetery, there are expectations for how you should behave. You should always be respectful and reverent of the nature of the location, as well as to other visitors who may be mourning. But did you know there are certain things you should never do there?

Here are a few things to avoid whenever you visit a cemetery near Antioch:

Don’t drive recklessly.

The driving paths that wind through cemeteries are meant to help visitors park closer to their loved ones’ graves. They are not for driving fast or recklessly, as this can cause accidents or damage to the property.

Always be mindful of other visitors, obey the posted speed limits, and never take your eyes off the road while navigating the burial park.

Don’t let kids and animals run wild.

Bringing a pet or a child to the cemetery with you can be a beautiful experience. Many people enjoy walking their dogs in the cemetery since the area is peaceful and well-manicured. It is also nice for families to bring children with them to connect with those who have passed.

However, children and pets can cause major problems if they are not properly monitored. Always keep an eye on your children and a leash on your pets, and pick up anything they leave behind!

Don’t violate visitation hours.

Most burial locations have specific visitation hours. After these hours are over for the day, they will usually close the gates or lock the entrance to ensure that people are not entering the site outside of visitation hours.

This might be frustrating when you are struggling to find time in your schedule to visit the burial park, but these rules exist to protect the grounds and the people who are buried there. Headstones and memorials may be damaged and graves may be violated if people are allowed into the cemetery when there are no staff members onsite to keep an eye on things. Help the management prevent these problems by being respectful of the posted visiting hours. To learn more contact Holy Cross Cemetery & Funeral Center today.

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