Month: September 2016

Has Your Office Furniture Gone Green?

Everyone expects you to go green in this modern, technological society. Your employees, your customers and your suppliers have a different expectation nowadays compared to 20 years ago. Have you upgraded your office furniture so that it is part of one of many green...

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Settling Civil Disputes Through Litigation

Although there are virtually thousands of laws on the books in the US, there are only two categories; civil law and criminal law. Civil litigation is the term used for civil cases that go through the courts, civil litigation cases form the majority of all cases in US...

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Outsourcing Your Human Resources

If money is the lifeblood of a company, then people are what keep that lifeblood flowing. Because without the people working in the company, it really wouldn’t be making any money. Even IT companies which have very limited staff still require several employees to keep...

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