Why You Should Choose Invisalign to Straighten Your Smile in Illinois

by | Feb 20, 2023 | Dental Health

Despite the continued popularity of traditional braces, orthodontics has created more efficient methods of straightening teeth. Thanks to modern technology, you can take advantage of Invisalign treatments that can correct misalignment issues without using a traditional approach with metal. Here are the reasons you should choose this method.

Comfortable Fit

When you wonder why you choose Invisalign in Chicago, you should know that custom-crafted to fit your smile, Invisalign aligners get constructed of sturdy, flexible, and comfortable plastic. Despite being strong, you hardly notice these because of their softer construction.

Almost Undetectable

Clear, nearly invisible aligners get used throughout the Invisalign treatment. With Invisalign in Lakeview, Chicago, IL, you may confidently straighten your teeth without hiding your smile with traditional braces because they are almost invisible.

Easily Cleanable

It is more difficult to clean teeth with metal brackets and wires because they collect food particles and form a shelf around the outside of the teeth. But you can gently rub and rinse your Invisalign aligners every night. Also, you can replace your trays with new ones every few weeks to keep them clean and in good condition.

Avoid Discoloration

Invisalign in Lakeview, Chicago, is different from metal braces since they do not get fixed to your teeth. They will not cause unpleasant stains or tooth discoloration that diminish the look of your smile.

Discover why you choose Invisalign in Chicago, IL, with a quality team like Northalsted Dental Spa. Contact our office to reserve an appointment with one of our specialists today.

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