Why You Need a Multi-Pronged Approach to Brand Identity

by | Jul 7, 2017 | Website Designer

Digital Marketing is about more than being present on the Web, designing an appealing site, and learning the basics of SEO. Madison residents are your clients, and you need to build your web presence in such a way that they are the ones who notice you.  A website, even one that stands out, is not enough.  In order to reach your target client base online, you have to cover all your bases of where they might see your company.  In other words, you need more than just a website.  You need a complete digital fitness strategy.

Building a Detailed Plan of Action

Online marketing is always evolving, and i5 Digital Fitness is dedicated to keeping ahead of the latest trends in terms of the way that both consumers and analytical data behave. Keeping up with all these trends is a full-time job.  If you were to study all the aspects of Digital Marketing while still trying to launch your business, you would run yourself ragged. The ideal approach to building an online brand identity involves a well-designed website, social media promotions, varied video content, and more, and it takes an entire team to pull it off successful.

Local Is the New Global

In the 90s, when the World Wide Web was new, people used to talk about the “information superhighway” connecting the world into a “global village,” and while we should not take for granted how easy it now is to communicate internationally, local small businesses should think locally when it comes to their strategy for SEO. Madison residents are the people who are going to buy from your local business, so they are the ones your promotions need to reach. That is one of the most important aspects of your brand identity and your SEO strategy.

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