Why Should You Get Your Baby Vaccinated

by | Jan 21, 2016 | Health & Fitness

A google search will reveal plenty of sketchy sites promoting fear in regards to vaccinations. But in all honesty, if you live in Charleston,  North Charleston,  Summerville, or anywhere at all it is in your child’s best interest to be fully vaccinated. The American Academy of Pediatrics has approved a full vaccine schedule that is thoroughly researched and proven safe. Below you can find a few more benefits as to why you should be pro vaccine.

Vaccinations Can Save Your Child

Throughout history, there have been several diseases and viruses that have left children in critical condition or death. Thanks to vaccinations your child is protected from these threats. Due to vaccinations, some of these illnesses have completely or are very close to being extinct. This not only saves your child, but it also helps the entire population fight these terrible diseases.

Immunizations Are Safe

Over the years, the medical industry has grown dramatically, and in this time period, the method of immunizations has also grown to be more safe and effective. These vaccinations have been through 3 rigorous phases of study prior to approval.  Common side effects are mild and include redness and swelling at the injection site, as well as occasional irritability, drowsiness, and decreased appetite.  After the vaccinations, if you have any concerns your pediatrician can answer any questions you may have.

Vaccinations Can Make Your Life Easier

Choosing to not to vaccinate your child leaves him or her susceptible to serious diseases.  It also increases the risk to children and adults who have other medical problems like cancer or immune deficiency.  Vaccinating the majority of the population prevents the spread of diseases that can be deadly to those with existing medical conditions.  Most schools will not allow your child to attend unless they are properly vaccinated.

As you can see, there are several benefits for you and your children by getting the proper immunizations for your child’s age. Don’t let a trend cause your family more harm and hassle than what is necessary;contact your pediatrician and get your child the vaccinations they need.

If you are need child vaccinations in Summerville, SC, Palmetto Pediatrics can help you. Click here for more information.

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