When you are entering college, one of the most important things that you will have to decide upon is where you will love. This can be on-campus in a dorm room or off-campus in a student apartment. In almost all cases, off campus apartments in West Lafayette, IN are the way to go.
Significantly Cheaper
Most people think that dorms are cheaper, but this is only because the price of room and board is bundled into the tuition. In all actuality, unless you are going to school on a full-ride scholarship, will always be cheaper. This is because when you are paying for a dorm room, you are also paying for premiums such as cafeteria food, that you may or may not even like or use.
Your Own Place
When you live in an apartment, you can decorate your place in whatever manner you like. This cannot be done in a dorm room, where you have to be satisfied with the worn furniture that is provided as well as the inability to alter anything in any way. This is not conducive to learning how to live on your own.
Better Food
While cafeteria food might be fine to fill the emptiness in your stomach, it generally does not taste all that good. When you live in off campus apartments in West Lafayette, IN, you are responsible for buying your own groceries. This means you can fix the food that you actually like and prepare it in any way that you see fit.
Contact Lark West Lafayette for more info.