One of the worst things that can happen to a person is to be arrested by the police. This is especially true if the arrest is for a crime you did not commit. If you live in the San Antonio area of Texas, the time has come for you to seek representation. For a car accident lawyer in San Antonio, you have quite a number of choices from which to select your attorney.
You may have been arrested for driving while under the influence or driving while intoxicated. You may or may not be guilty, but since the police have arrested you, you need a great lawyer. Some of the most important qualifications for said lawyer are compassion and experience. Perhaps you are a Spanish speaker, and your grasp of English is poor. You need a law firm with Spanish-speaking attorneys.
If you have been arrested as a result of a car accident, you will need help from your law firm in reconstructing what actually happened as well. You also may need help getting reports from the police. At the time of your arrest, you may have been subjected to a number of tests that police officers administer at a time like this. They might include breath or blood tests or field sobriety tests. In many cases, the accuracy of these tests can be questioned when your case is adjudicated.
When you seek a car accident lawyer in San Antonio, you should reach out to the Law Office of Jesse Hernandez. The attorneys at this firm have the compassion and experience to help you in this very serious situation.