What You Need To Know About Maintenance Services For A Calvert Elevator In Arlington, VA

by | Nov 4, 2016 | Construction & Maintenance

In Virginia, elevator maintenance is essential for preventing safety hazards that could lead to serious accidents. These services are conducted according to building code requirements in industrial settings. These settings include hospitals, hotels, and department stores to name a few. The following are details you need to know about maintenance services for Calvert Elevator in Arlington VA.

When are Maintenance Services Performed?

All elevators are inspected and repaired once a month. All lifts used for elderly individuals are reviewed twice each month. All industrial elevators are inspected twice a year.

Are All Types of Repairs Included in Service Contracts?

For the most part, service contracts include full inspections, assessment of all moving parts and components, and necessary repairs. However, the installation may require them to perform services outlined in a warranty. These services may include standard options such as testing the elevator or lift to ensure top performance levels.

What Happens when Discontinued or Obsolete Parts Need Replacing?

Select parts and components are covered under the service plan or warranty. These opportunities eliminate most of the cost for the property owner. However, if these parts aren’t covered, the owner will face out-of-pocket expenses to manage these requirements. A service technician explains all options for replacing these parts correctly.

What Happens if Vandalism Leads to Damage of the Elevator?

Acts of vandalism must be reported to law enforcement. Once a police report is filed, the property owner contacts their insurance provider about filing a damage claim. Once the claim is processed, they receive payment for repairs to correct the damage. An inspection is performed to acquire a certificate of operations for the elevator certifying its safety.

Who Acquires the Permits for Repairs?

The service technician must acquire the permits for all repairs. They acquire them through the city building codes and enforcement office. They must schedule an inspection as a term of the permit.

In Virginia, commercial property owners need inspections and repair services for all elevators, escalators, and lifts used daily. These requirements reduce the potential for serious accidents that lead to injuries and death. Property owners who need maintenance services for their Calvert Elevator in Arlington VA visit  today.

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