What is Preschool?

by | Apr 12, 2019 | Education

Many daycare centers will offer preschool in Apple Valley, MN. Preschool is early childhood education which provides a well-rounded program that encourages the growth and development of your child.


Preschool in Apple Valley MN provides a high-quality learning environment for your child. Through age-appropriate playful learning, your child will learn about their world. Early childhood learning is best with hands-on experiences and through exploring. A typical day can include opportunities to experience music, art, reading, math, and science activities.

In addition, children will experience social and emotional growth through their daily interactions with their peer relationships and teachers.

Preschool often begins around age two years of age. Depending on their developmental abilities, each child engages in activities with opportunities for deeper learning and skill building.

Preschool also focuses on getting children ready for their formal education beginning with kindergarten. This is accomplished with organic learning which focuses on school readiness in structured programs and activities.

Using a number of different strategies, early childhood educators will teach your preschooler letters and sounds, numbers and how to count, number and letter recognition, color recognition, language skills, basic science, basic math, and how to be curious about their world.

Early nurturing of their curiosity and excitement for learning will lay the foundation for their success in later years.

Why Preschool is Important

During early childhood, children are introduced to a wide variety of activities. They will develop vocabulary and language skills, social skills, and will learn how to work with others. By the time they are ready for kindergarten, they will have the confidence to work independently and can use their skills to work with their peers.

Preschool programs differ in terms of early childhood programs and agencies. Always investigate the program to ensure their program is right for your child.

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