Some people are fascinated with coins. Whether they love paying for a fast-food meal with a bunch of pennies or like to collect wheat pennies, they love coinage. Coins have been around forever, it seems, and they aren’t going to go away anytime soon. However, when you’ve got a collection of rare coins or interesting ones that you want to sell, you need a coin buyer in Chicago. Finding one can be tough, especially if you want someone reliable and trustworthy (and who doesn’t?)
What would happen if you sold your coins to someone and ended up in a chat with someone who said they could have gotten you double? It can be difficult to determine what kind of recourse you have available if the dealer gyps you, but many dealers belong to the PNG, which uses arbitration techniques to resolve any complaints. Likewise, some may offer a 30-day guarantee, or allow you to change your mind and get your coins back within a particular period.
Their Ethics
It’s not fair when dealers offer a particular percentage or deal without even looking at the coins in your possession. While you may think they’re lazy, they could be trying to rip you off. Instead, focus on a coin buyer who takes the time to look at each of the coins, even if there are 20. They may offer a price for all, or buy a few that are interesting or rare.
Experience/Length Of Time In Business
While it’s not to say that a newbie can’t be fair, but those who have a lot of experience and have been in the business for years may be a better choice, especially when you want to get the most money and be treated right.
A coin buyer in Chicago should provide some recourse if you’re not satisfied and have excellent ethics. Visit Chicago Gold Gallery at now to learn more about them.