Tips For Purchasing Personal Insurance From Barranca Insurance Services Inc in Rancho Cucamonga CA

by | Feb 16, 2018 | Insurance

Purchasing a health insurance policy can be a daunting experience, especially in today’s vast insurance marketplace. Many people are not sure of even how to begin the process, not to mention what to look for. This is why so many people rely on the insurance professionals at Barranca Insurance Services Inc in Rancho Cucamonga CA. With these tips and the help of a knowledgeable insurance agent, the process of making a personal insurance purchase will be much less stressful.

What are the Options For Purchasing Health Insurance?

While it might seem obvious, one of the most important things a person should do is to make sure they carefully review all of their insurance options. The more a person knows about their options, the better equipped they will be to make the right choice for themselves and their family. There are three major types of health insurance individuals can purchase. It is wise for a person to sit down and discuss their options with a knowledgeable insurance agent to ensure they choose the right one.

• Major medical plans are sold off-exchange and are primarily for people who do not qualify for a subsidy or do not want one.
• Qualified health plans are sold both in off-exchange and on-exchange. This type of coverage is for people who qualify for a government subsidy and want government assistance paying for their health care.

• Catastrophic plans are only available to individuals who are under the age of thirty. This type of plan cannot be purchased with government subsidies.

It is imperative a person is aware of the open enrollment dates so they can make sure they purchase their health insurance during that period. Purchases of policies made outside of open enrollment are only allowed in certain situations, such as a loss of minimum insurance coverage, a marriage, or a permanent move to a new state.

Ask For Help Today

If you are in need of help with purchasing your health insurance policy, contact the Barranca Insurance Services Inc in Rancho Cucamonga CA. To learn more about these valuable services, us website. They are available to answer any questions you may have.

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