If you are going to pay for an art school education, you want to get it from the best art school. However, “best” is a relative term. When it comes to art schools, there are certain things that students should expect the school to provide.
For example, excellent art schools should train students on how to analyze and create art. Students should walk away with a strong understanding of art history and studio practice. In addition to studying art history, they should learn about contemporary art. The goal is to prepare a student to work as an art director, museum curator, or an artist.
Students should understand fine art, photography, art directing, and digital illustration. With their degree in hand, students should be able to find careers in a variety of fields as critics, artists, curators, historians, and more.
Most students start out pursuing a degree in art because they have a passion for creating something. They are not thinking about necessarily earning a massive salary. Still, with certain art degrees, it is not unreasonable to expect to earn upwards of $70,000 a year.
After attending one of the best art schools, a student should walk away understanding Western art, art foundations, contemporary art, and the like.
Learn more about what a student should expect from their education and see how the School of the Art Institute of Chicago has been one of the most historically significant accredited schools of art and design for over a century when you visit their website.