The Science Behind the Rise of CBD Topicals

by | Jun 28, 2019 | Health & Fitness

It’s no secret that CBD has boomed in popularity, especially over the last few years. You can now find CBD products in almost every corner of the retail market, from food to makeup to medicine. While CBD oils and foods are increasingly used for a multitude of reasons, CBD topical creams have been especially effective at combating pain. The best CBD cream for pain is hemp-derived, with 0.3% THC content, and cultivated by licensed growers.

CBD is finally being studied for its therapeutic and medicinal effects that go beyond anecdotal evidence. This is due to many factors, but the declassification of hemp as a Schedule I drug on-par with heroin and ecstasy in 2018 has helped push CBD products into the limelight of scientific and medical potential.

How CBD works

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a natural derivative found in the male hemp plant which does not contain significant amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. THC is the hypnotic element found in the female cannabis flowers, which creates the pleasant effects associated with smoking or eating cannabis.

Both THC and CBD access the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is now understood to help regulate our immune system, sleep cycle, inflammatory response, and appetite. The ECS is made up of two kinds of receptors: CB1 and CB2. CB1 responds to THC, whereas CB2 receptors respond to CBD.

CBD acts as a bonding agent for CB2 receptors, stimulating an anti-inflammatory response in the ECS system. The ECS system reduces and eliminates the build-up of oxidative stress chemicals in the muscles and joint tissues, leading to a reduction or elimination of inflammation, which can cause permanent damage to tissue over time.

CBD2 receptors as best accessed via topical creams, oils, and lotions because they penetrate through the skin directly instead of having to be digested first. Most people who use CBD creams experience relief in five minutes or less.

CBD topicals for arthritis and chronic pain

According to AARP, the boomer generation is leading the way in utilizing CBD topicals for arthritis and joint pain. As we grow older, the wear and tear on our bodies begins to catch up with our joints. Whether it’s through disc-space narrowing in the spine, autoimmune responses, or damage in the knees and hips, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and degenerative changes can cause pain that interferes with our quality of life.

Because of CBD’s effectiveness at reducing the inflammation response in muscle and joint tissues, topical CBD creams and oils are the top choice for seniors with these ailments. Seniors are also becoming more wary of pharmaceutical drugs and painkillers, which carry a high risk of side effects and addiction rates.

Chronic pain is another condition that CBD has shown to make manageable for many people because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Many prescriptions for CBD oil for pain management are offered through transdermal patches instead of oral drops or pills. One of the primary benefits of transdermal patches is that they reduce inflammation without side effects, and when compared to pharmaceutical drugs, this makes CBD a much more desirable option.

Legality of CBD

With the Schedule I declassification of hemp and the approval by the FDA of a CBD seizure treatment in June of 2018, hemp-derived CBD has become legal and commonplace in all 50 states. Hemp-derived CBD is the most effective CBD at reducing inflammation for chronic pain and other localized conditions that can be treated with CBD topicals.

The best CBD cream for pain aligns with the legal parameters set out by federal regulators. These include:

* Cultivated by licensed and inspected growers

* Adheres to regulatory measures

* Contains less than 0.3% THC

With these parameters in place, hemp-derived CBD lotions and oils can be transported over state lines without restrictions, so you don’t have to go anywhere without your CBD oil for pain relief.

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