The Important Advantages of In-Home Senior Assistance Near Orland Park

by | Apr 13, 2022 | Senior Care

A disabled senior citizen may realize that an adult child is devoting far too much time to being a caregiver. Although this person protests the idea of hiring outside help, the parent knows that the son or daughter should have more free personal time. Senior assistance near Orland Park is available to help solve this problem.

Reduced Stress

Without enough free time, family caregivers can experience high-stress levels with adverse effects on physical and emotional health. The adult child may feel guilty about leaving to pursue a fun activity while the parent stays home. However, never doing this can quickly lead to burnout. Family caregivers are at significantly higher risk of developing chronic health problems, depression, and substance use disorders.


Just taking an afternoon for a short road trip or a hike in the woods can make a big difference. The person might spend a day with a good friend who will be in town for the weekend. Having visits from a home companion providing senior assistance near Orland Park is an effective solution.

Relationship Improvement

Another point to consider is the probable improvement in the parent-child relationship when receiving assistance from a senior care organization. The son or daughter could have been feeling resentful at the time required and then guilty about that. The parent had his or her own sense of guilt about being a burden.

These advantages make it clear why in-home care is so valuable. A list of services offered by one organization is shown at the Home & Hearth Caregivers.

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