The Importance of a Regular Oil Change

by | Jan 28, 2019 | Automotive

One of the most important car services you can have done in order to keep your vehicle in good working order is changing the oil in your automobile. Routine oil changes prolong the life of an automobile and can prevent car repair costs. Unfortunately, there are some drivers that neglect to follow up with the proper maintenance process and therefore significantly decrease the life of their cars. By changing the oil as part of a regular maintenance schedule, you are able to keep your vehicle running smoothly and prevent accidents due to parts malfunctioning and failing. If it is time for your automobile to have its oil changed you need to turn to a well-established auto shop like Bi-State Auto Service Center that offers the service of oil changes in Davenport IA.

Changing the Oil Is a Must

Changing the oil is a must for any vehicle. By changing the oil you are extending the life of your automobile and its parts. In addition, an oil change helps to maximize lubrication in the engine which prevents it from overheating. An oil change removes impurities as well. A vehicle’s oil can become contaminated over time with antifreeze, metallic shavings, and dust which will form a sludge that can stick to parts inside an engine. This will cause an engine to decrease gas mileage, run less efficiently and may cause an engine to fail.

Schedule an Appointment for an Oil Change

Bi-State Auto Service Center is a well-reputed auto shop that offers affordable oil changes in Davenport IA. When it comes to maintaining your automobile having the oil changed is considered to be the most inexpensive insurance you can purchase. Consult with ASE certified technicians today to schedule an appointment for your next oil change.

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