Any type of medical testing equipment needs to be built to last as well as to be accurate. For equipment used in stress testing, particularly the treadmill, it has to be to able to support the weight of patients to be tested as well as to offer the safety features that set these treadmills apart from typical treadmills used for exercise.
There is one manufacturer of treadmills and stress testing systems that is considered top the be the top. The Quinton treadmill, as well as the complete stress test system, has a stellar reputation for accuracy, dependability and very low maintenance options. These systems and components can be found in hospitals, research facilities, rehabilitation facilities and testing centers around the world.
One of the first things you will notice with the Quinton treadmill design, regardless of the specific model, is that it appears very basic. This is because the treadmill is developed to be very user-friendly for patients with the motor and system concealed in the sturdy body of the design.
What to Expect
When you invest in a Quinton treadmill, expect a treadmill that is highly responsive to the need to change speed, grade and deceleration. The motor starts up very slowly and evenly, so no jerking or irregular movement is experienced by the patient. All safety requirements for medical treadmills are standard design elements with every model.
These treadmills are rated for patients up to 500 pounds. They have very few moving parts in the design other than the treadmill rollers and control systems, so there is limited need for maintenance or concerns about repairs.
Of course, the all of the Quinton models of treadmills will integrate fully with your existing Quinton Q-Stress cardiac test system. When used together the technician has full control over the treadmill for safety, efficiency and effectiveness with testing parameters and requirements.