The Benefit of Children in Charleston Visiting the Dentist Early in Life

by | Feb 24, 2020 | Dental Health

The earlier children get regular dental checkups, the healthier their teeth will be throughout their lives. Early checkups identify and prevent cavities and tooth decay. Tooth decay leads to pain, which can affect a child’s ability to concentrate while in school and lead to other issues.

Children who are able to chew their food easily get the nutrition they need. When a child is confident in their smile and the way that they speak, it affects their growth and their interaction with others. Offices that provide children’s dentistry in Charleston recommend that children visit the dentist by age one.

This visit is beneficial not only for the child but also for their caregivers. When parents visit an office that offers children’s dentistry in Charleston, they learn how to care for their child’s teeth. As the child gets older, the child learns with the parent to care for their own oral health with the goal of keeping their teeth cavity free.

One reason why children develop cavities is because they fall asleep with a bottle of milk or juice in their mouth. Dentists can see the early signs of this type of decay developing and then inform caregivers why sleeping with a bottle in the mouth causes decay and the importance of helping children learn to drink from a cup as early as possible. They can also give parents tips on how to clean their children’s teeth going forward.

Learn about the family dental services offered by Charleston Smiles by visiting their website at

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