Silicone Sealant – Flexible and Versatile

by | Dec 31, 2015 | Construction & Maintenance

Silicone sealant or adhesive is a powerful, flexible product that can be used in many different applications. Although it is not as strong as some other sealants or adhesives, silicone remains very flexible, even once it has fully dried or cured. This type of sealant can also withstand very high temperatures, making it ideal for applications that suffer high heat exposure. It also comes with a collection of application uses. Silicone sealant is frequently used in automotive and related applications, such as an aid for sealing an engine, and because of its superior flexibility, it is also a good choice for many hobbies or crafts.

The Most Common Sources for Air Leaks in Your Home
Air leaking through holes and cracks accounts for up to 20 percent of heating and cooling costs or at least 10 percent of your total energy cost in a typical home. Many air leaks are easy to find because they are easy to feel and are located in common areas of the house, especially around windows and doors. But hidden air leaks in attics, basements, and around chimneys are often more significant sources of energy loss. Having the proper seal in these areas will help you to keep your energy from leaking away.

Where You Should Caulk
It is advisable to caulk gaps, cracks, or joints in areas where you want to keep water and to keep unwanted air out of your home. The most common places to seal or to weatherize are windows and doors, cracks where air can enter or exit from the outside, where faucets or pipes meet the house, around air vents and ducts, kitchen sinks, faucets, backsplashes, countertops, bathroom tubs, showers, along the top of shower surrounds and backsplashes. And that is just the short list. Sealants are used in many industrial uses as well.

Multipurpose and Industrial
Silicone is a multipurpose adhesive and sealant that creates a waterproof, protective seal that is ideal for metal, glass, rubber, tile and porcelain. It is designed to be used indoors and outdoors to repair everything from electrical connections to stopping leaks in wet weather. Industrial silicone sealant is the contractor’s choice.

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