Signs You Need to Move on to a New Criminal Lawyer

by | Sep 29, 2018 | Lawyer

An excellent criminal lawyer is dedicated and passionate about fighting for your rights in court, Rewire says. If you think that’s not the case with your lawyer, though, then that’s a sign that you need to move on to a new one. Here are other indications that you’ve hired the wrong legal help.

Your lawyer is never on time

If your lawyer is never on time for your consultations, then that’s a red flag. A good lawyer knows the importance of his client’s time. If your lawyer keeps wasting yours by making you wait, you’ll be better off hiring a different attorney for your case.

Your lawyer doesn’t answer your calls

If your lawyer rarely answers your calls and never sends a prompt reply to your emails or messages, then that’s far from ideal. If there are case developments, it’s important to be able to get in touch with your attorney quickly and with ease. If that’s a problem, then look elsewhere for legal help.

Your lawyer doesn’t have enough experience

An inexperienced attorney may not have the resources to help you. That’s why choosing a criminal lawyer like Chad Lewin is a much better option. A competent and dedicated lawyer with years of experience in the field is in a much better position to advance your case. Keep that in mind when you look for legal services.

Your lawyer has the wrong specialization

If you’re facing criminal charges, then it’s best that you get a criminal lawyer like Chad Lewin. Hire someone who specializes in resolving cases like the one you’re accused of instead of getting a general practitioner. This way, you’ll have a much better chance of getting the results you want.

The wrong legal help can doom your case. Keep that from happening with a smart hiring decision.

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