You already know that applying for VA benefits will be a frustrating, drawn-out process, but it’s a necessary one. Gaining approval means enduring doctor visits, information requests, and paperwork. While other VA services are useful, sometimes, you need a bit more help. Here, you’ll learn more about hiring a lawyer for VA disability claim.
Why Hire a Lawyer?
Many veterans ask why they should hire a disability lawyer when the application process is free. However, like other parts of life, you get just what you pay for. Much like the benefits system, most free services are overworked and understaffed, and service suffers. By comparison, an accredited attorney works on your behalf. Furthermore, the VA and the appeals court treat applicants differently when they have legal representation.
Which Lawyer Should I Choose?
A lawyer must be qualified to represent you and they have to be competent in veterans’ law. Before hiring a lawyer for VA disability claim, ensure they’re VA accredited, experienced, and dedicated. Your lawyer should be able and willing to represent you throughout the case, from the initial claim to the appeals process.
When Can I Hire the Lawyer?
A VA disability lawyer may not be paid for the representation they provide until the disagreement notice is filed, and many of today’s veterans decide to apply for VA benefits first and wait for a rating before they hire a lawyer. If you have received a VA denial, gotten inaccurate information that may damage your claim, or you need help filing an appeal, you should seek help from an accredited VA lawyer.
The VA benefits application process can be frustrating, but you don’t have to go through appeals alone. By hiring a lawyer for VA disability claim, you can get on an equal footing with the government. Visit our website and learn more or call the Jackson & MacNichol Law Offices to request a consultation.