Several Common Reasons to See a Massage Therapist in Bonney Lake, WA

by | Dec 26, 2017 | Healthcare

Chiropractic care and massage therapy can go a long way toward helping patients alleviate their pain, increase their energy, and restore them to good health. Surprisingly, the majority of people have never visited a professional massage therapist in Bonney Lake WA, yet many of them could stand to benefit substantially from this small investment of money and time. Read on to find out about just a few reasons people might want to add visiting a massage therapist to their to-do lists for the upcoming New Year.

Shoulder and Neck Pain

Pain and tension in the shoulder or neck constitute some of the most common reasons that patients choose to see registered massage therapists. Not only can they relieve that tension with targeted massage, but they can also show their patients some stretches and other techniques for reducing that recurring tension and pain themselves. Given how many workers spend the majority of their days hunched over behind desks, it’s safe to say that most people can benefit from these services.

Recurring Headaches

Patients who suffer from recurring headaches often find that it is difficult to find relief without resorting to prescription painkillers and other extreme measures. However, massage therapists provide a healthier and more effective alternative for many patients. Up to 80% of headaches are actually caused by tight and dysfunctional muscles, and those suffering from this kind of headaches find that they notice an immediate reduction in both severity and frequency of these unpleasant attacks.

Sports Massage

Athletes, whether they are professional sportsmen or simply sports enthusiasts, are known for pushing their bodies to extremes. This can lead to serious injuries if they are not careful to provide their body with adequate care. Thankfully, athletes can hire a massage therapist in Bonney Lake WA to keep their muscles relaxed and capable of performing incredible feats of athleticism, which can help them to avoid injury over time.

Pre and Post Natal Massage

When performed by a registered massage therapist, massage can be a safe and effective means of reducing stress and physical strain both during and after pregnancy. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that professional massage can improve the comfort and safety of mothers and their babies both before and after birth.

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