Professional Wedding Video Services in Lexington KY: Filming the Memories of a Lifetime

by | May 4, 2016 | Business

A wedding is no ordinary event but the beginning, hopefully, of a lifetime of worthy trials and joys for the betrothed couple. The launching of a thousand hopes and dreams should be treated as special. Weddings deserve to be recorded for posterity with professional gloss and even artistry to enshrine them forever as hallowed memories, preserved in digital media to be viewed for years afterward.

Professional video production services capture an event with multiple cameras set up on site, with one or two technicians carrying cameras in hand to provide roving coverage. Shooting the event from different angles and on arriflex, the raw footage is taken back to the studio for editing and post-production. Clips are selected carefully and blended into a single video file on the desktop, with transitions fading or switching in from one angle to another. Audio is blended in on multiple tracks to provide musical accompaniment to the footage. Finally, the titles are electronically spliced in and blended into the master production file. After the technical work is completed on a desktop, the finished production is printed onto DVD. The end-result is not just a home video but a professional documentary of the most special occurrence in a couple’s lives.

Wedding Video Services in Lexington KY come listed in the Yellow Pages and on Google. These are the same companies which also produce corporate training videos and film other special events, and each one is reliable. The video services which are on offer today were unavailable to ordinary clients just a quarter-century ago. But as professional-grade video production equipment and editing systems have become cheaper, the price for professional services has climbed down from the astronomical heights they once occupied.

It is, of course, possible for even the ordinary person with a desktop video system to do the job himself. But a truly professional looking production is something that is best undertaken by professional production houses. Most people with video cameras are well meaning. But these amateurs or hobbyists lack the training and even the artistic flair which television cameramen and editors have developed over years of training and hard work. Professionals who have developed an eye for the right angle to shoot from or where to make cuts, or for which pieces of raw footage to select from to assemble into a seamless film, are well worth the money spent to hire them on.

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